Pretzel Fundraiser!
As we prepare for our March build, our youth volunteers are also getting ready. This weekend, they started getting ready for their pretzel fundraiser.
These boys first fundraiser is off to a great start! These wonderful young men are so thankful for everyone’s hard work. We had two amazing days of pretzel baking. 10 volunteers on Saturday, 9 on Sunday and 750+ pretzels later (less the 50+ lacking quality control that didn’t make the cut, but did make it into bellies)… we are ready to share with the public at both Rustica Bakery and Venn Brewry.
How you can purchase and support these boys:
- Sunday, February 9th — 10:00 / until sold out — at Rustica Bakery
- Saturday, March 2nd — 5:00 / until sold out — at Venn Brewing
- Saturday, March 16th — 5:00 / until sold out — at Venn Brewing