December Newsletter 2024
With joy and pride, I bring you this final newsletter of 2024 and introduce you to Ana Grace Alvarado, our new Country Director!

For over a year, our board and staff have focused on Bricks to Bread’s growth and how best to serve 6 new oven recipient families every year in addition to the families and communities already in our program. It became apparent that sustaining this level of normal and anticipated growth would require in-country leadership to enhance our Latin America operations.
Our ideal candidate was someone passionate about Bricks to Bread and committed to empowering women, someone fluent in Spanish and knowledgable about Costa Rica, someone with self-determination and initiative, and someone genuinely compassionate and kind. Imagine my excitement to learn that my daughter was interested in the role! Ana Grace has been on our board since Bricks to Bread’s inception, and our board members unanimously approved her hire.
It is an honor to turn leadership of our Latin America operations over to Ana Grace! I have complete faith in her, as does our in-country team. My own role will now be that of advisor…and proud mother!
Merry Christmas!