Bricks to Bread Returns to Art Festival
In 2016, Bricks to Bread was invited to promote our cause at the Lakeville Area Arts Festival. It was our first year as a registered 501(c)(3) and we did not have any experience in selling bread at a large scale event. We quickly gathered some volunteers, put together a display and baked bread without knowing what to expect. Our bread was a hit. On the first day of the festival we sold out within the first three hours; day number two was more of the same with some customers returning for more. At lot of that bread never made it to dinner…
We will be back! On Saturday, September 16th & Sunday, September 17th we will be at the Lakeville Area Arts Festival once again selling our most popular breads, white boule and mini cinnamon rolls. The money we raise will go towards building more ovens for Costa Rican families in need of sustainable incomes.
Make sure to stop by, say hi and buy some bread! We will sell bread until we run out so make sure to stop by right away!
At a recent Bricks to Bread open house a young customer said,
“If I had two wishes, 1. Would be that every time I spent a $100 bill a new one would appear in my pocket.
2. Every time I finished a cinnamon loaf a new loaf would appear!”